*Shower curtain from Walmart . It's just plain black. We thought about sewing on a pink initial on the corner. But that obviously isn't done yet.
And I found these shower curtain hooks at my favorite store: Ross
There are soooo many great deals there!
This was a great find at my other favorite store: Hobby Lobby
It was just what she needed to hang her towel on. It was under $5.00 and she Loves it!
This was too cute to not buy and was on sale at Kirklands.
And a girl has to have some Pink in her life from Victoria's Secret. It really smells great!
The candle holder had the BLING which my daughter loves!! I found it at Hobby Lobby. The candle was also from there. I wanted to make the candle match the rest of the bathroom and not spend too much money. So, I bought tissue paper with the pink and black design and used the blow dryer to melt it onto the candle. In the past I have used an embossing gun but I don't have one anymore.
On Black Friday I bought a gift for myself and I'm lovin' it! I now own a Cricut Expressions! So, of course I had to starting cutting right away. So, I used this old picture frame and cut out the N and put it on gray paper and DONE! E*A*S*Y !!
Yes, another project that was a result of purchasing the Cricut! I painted a canvas black. NOTE to Self: let dry for a day before you continue. Then I used different scrapbook paper and cut out the letters from one of my daughter favorite quotes. Then I used Modge Podge and a spray glaze over it. It was my first attempt and I learned a lot. Next one will be better.
Good Better Best,
Never Let it Rest,
Till your Good is Better,
And your Better is Best!
This blank wall is awaiting something creative. There is always something to be done! Anyways, it is coming together nicely.
I LOVE the bathroom! You did such a great job! The new background looks awesome btw! Definately worth staying up until 1:00! haha!