So, first I have been looking for a huge frame to hang above my couch and then place different frames..candle holders..plaques..and so much more inside it. Well, I found in the clearance aisle a huge mirror that was broken. Well, to my luck, I don't need the mirror so the frame was perfect. It was only 59.99. It was really big so I decided to go home and get my hubby for help.
So trip #2 to Hobby Lobby
We walked in and to my surprise the mirror was reduced to 29.99. I know it was unbelievable. Then of course I had to look a little more because I was saving so much money. And yes!!!! I found more!
I had been wanting a really elaborate frame to make into a chalk board for my menu board in the kitchen. And yes....I found one 90% off!
And right behind the frame was candle holders and pottery that was also 90% off. So, of course for 2.50 each I could not resist!!! So, here are my Fabulous Find for under $55.00