Today our church celebrated all of the volunteers that work at our church! It was so nice to see everyone together having a great time ! Despite the Fall weather coming in we managed to have a great time at the park. We are so blessed by having these people in our lives!
We had so much fun eating hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, and sno cones~! Yes, a little chilly for sno cones but we have this awesome guy that has a sno cone shop and they were delicious!
Yep, never thought I would see this in my life time! Necia wearing a football helmet! Doesn't she look cute! Of course it had to be pink!
Well, it was confirmed today that my finance is not going out for the church softball team. He had fun trying to get the pastors into that dirty water. Look at it ......Yuck!!!
This is our pastor going DOWN! All of the pastors were so good about this. It was so cold outside and they stuck with it!
Wacky Golf!
We played two games and tied. Yea!!! Sadly, the third game he won. :( Yes, I'm just a little competetive! I just wanted him to feel good about his athletic ability! I'm so nice like that!